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There is little in this hobby more frustrating than opening a game and to find you misplaced the rules, counters, or a chart.  This page is here as a resource to help people play and enjoy the old SPI games they own.

Click the first initial of the game below to jump to the START of that letter. Then scroll down to see the titles. (Be aware - 'Battle for, of')

An * by the name means it should have everything in the link - rules, counters, and maps.



Rules for 1812 - both Area and Hex games *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Hex Terrain Chart Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for 1914 Revision - Test Series Game

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for 1918

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for A Gleam of Bayonets - GBACW 7 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters  (!)
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for A Mighty Fortress *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Acre - Art of Siege Quad*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Across Suez *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Adventure Gaming - All*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for After the Holocaust *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Complete and Unmarked map jpg Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Agincourt *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Air War *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Air War  '80*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Alamo *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Albion *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Alma - Crimean War Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
American Civil War *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for American Revolution *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules in LTR Format Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Antietam * - Blue & Gray I Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Anzio Beachhead *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Ardennes Offensive, The *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules in LTR Format Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Arena of Death *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Armada *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Armada 2nd Edition

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Download 1st edition (above) for the Map and Counters

Rules for Armageddon *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Scenarios Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

26 Additional Scenarios  for Armageddon!

Rules for Army Group South Quad - all games *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Arnhem - WestWall Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Art of Siege Quad, The *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Atlantic Wall *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for A
usterlitz (1973)

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Balaclava - Crimean War Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for BAOR - Central Front V3 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Barbarian Kings*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Barbarossa - Test Series Game

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Barbarossa - 2nd Edition *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

VP Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map orig Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map ww Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Bastogne *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map 150mp (color) Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Bastogne - WestWall Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle for Cassino

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Counters Errata Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle for France 1940 *

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle for Germany *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle for Stalingrad

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map jpg Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map pdf Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battles for the Ardennes Quad  - all *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle of Austerlitz (1980)

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battles of Bull Run *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map jpg Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map pdf Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle of Corinth  - GBACW v6 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battles of King Arthur * - Great Medieval Battles Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle of Monmouth *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Monmouth Map and Counters

Quick Rules Chart for Monmouth! Click here!

Rules for Battle of Moscow

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

CRT/Play Aid Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle of
Stalingrad (aka Turning Point: Battle of Stalingrad)

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

CRT and Scenarios Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle of Nations - Napoleon At War Quad*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Battle of the Wilderness * - - Blue & Gray II Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for BattleFleet Mars

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Berlin '85 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Berlin '85 Map and Counters

Rules for Black Prince * - Great Medieval Battles Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Blitzkrieg Module System *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Bloody April

Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Maps (combined) Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Complete Bloody April Rosters

Counters - Union 1 Front

Counters - Union 2 Front

Counters CSA - 3 Front

Counters CSA - 4 Front

Counters Info - 5 Front

Counters Info - 6 Front

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Bloody Ridge - Island War Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Blue & Gray Standard Rules

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Blue & Gray I & II Exclusive Game Rules *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Borodino *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Breakout & Pursuit

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Breitenfeld *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Brusilov Offensive * - Great War in the East Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for B
ulge * - also published as The Big Red One

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Playtest Rules!  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Bundeswehr * - Modern Battles II Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for CA

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Campaign for North Africa *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  (All In One)

Land Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Air Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Scenarios Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As' (also in Air Rules)

Charts for Both Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Commonwealth Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Axis Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Log Sheets Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Maps Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Canadian Civil War *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Caporetto * - Great War in the East Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Cauldron - North Africa Quad*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Cedar Mountain * - GBACW v4

Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters  at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Cemetery Hill * - - Blue & Gray Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Centurion *

Rules (Basic) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules (Complete Advanced) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters (Diecut) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters (Paper Blue) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters (Paper Yellow) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Chariot Exclusive Rules and Scenarios

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

General Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Quick Ref Rules Chart Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Force A Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Force B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Chattanooga * - Blue & Gray II Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Chicago Chicago *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules Reformatted Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Chickamauga * - Blue & Gray Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for China War *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Chinese Farm * - Modern Battles Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Citadel of Blood *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for CityFight *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Cobra *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for TSR version choose 'Save Target As'

Complete Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Combat Command *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Combined Arms *

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Commando *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Conflicts in American History Module 1 *

Perhaps the rarest of ALL SPI Games, this 4" boxed game had nine copies each of Antietam and Cemetery Hill, and a Teacher's Guide created by Herschel Sarnoff. The PDF of the teaching guide below was kindly shared by Herschel! THANK YOU!!

Antietam (BG1) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Cemetery Hill (BG1) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Teacher's Guide Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Conquerors - both games *

The Macedonians Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

The Romans Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Conquistador *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Constantinople, Siege of *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Added Naval Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Corinth GBACW v6 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Creatures That Ate New York *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Creature That Ate Sheboygan *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

SimPub Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Crimean War Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Crusader- North Africa Quad*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for The Crusades *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Dallas *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Damocles Mission *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Dark Ages *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

22 Scenarios for Dark Ages Right click and 'Save Target As'

Rules for Dawn of the Dead *

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for DeathMaze

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for DeltaVee *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Added Rules for Enhanced DeltaVee Right click and 'Save Target As'

Rules for Demons *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Deployment - Test Series Game

Scan Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules Edit Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Redo Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Redo Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Redo Lg File Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Descent On Crete *

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map East Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map West Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map East (jpg) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map West (jpg) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Desert Fox *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Player Aides Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Desert War *

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Dixie *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Destruction of Army Group Center

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for DMZ * - Modern Battles II Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for DragonSlayer*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

JPEGS for Map:
Map DS1 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map DS2 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'
Map DS3 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'
Map DS3 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Dreadnought *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Dresden  - Napoleon's Art of War set *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Drive On Stalingrad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Drive on Washington * - GBACW v2

Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Optional Scenario Right click here and 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters  at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!


Rules for East is Red *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for El Alamein

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters1 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters2 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters3 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for E
mpires of the Middle Ages

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Cards Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Eylau - Napoleon's Art War set *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules and Map for Fall of Rome *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Fast Carriers *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Fifth Corps - Central Front v1 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Fighting Sail *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for FireFight *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for First World War Module *

Rules Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Flight of the Goeben *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Flying Circus *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Foxbat & Phantom

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Dashboards (Legal paper)  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Dashboards (Pink)  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Dashboards (Blue)  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Franco-Prussian War

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Frederick the Great *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Fredericksburg * - Blue & Gray II Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Freedom in the Galaxy *

Galactic Guide Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Cards 1-56 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Cards 57-140 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters F1 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters F2 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters B1 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters B2 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Freiburg - Thirty Years War Quad  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Frigate *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Fulda Gap *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Nuclear Pulse Allocation (Excel) Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for GBACW V1.0

Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Global War *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Golan * - Modern Battles Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Gondor

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Great Medieval Battles Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Great War in the East Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Grenadier *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map (jpg) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  (colorized)

Map (pdf) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As' (colorized)

Rules for Grunt *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Highway to the Reich 2nd Ed *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Errata for HTTR Right click and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Hetzer Sniper!

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Hof Gap - Central Front v2 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Hooker and Lee *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Hurtgen Forest - WestWall Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Inkerman - Crimean War Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Invasion America *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Island War Quad - all *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Exclusive Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counter Scans Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Maps Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Air Support Markers Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Italy - Test Series Game

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map v1 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map v2 Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Jackson at the Crossroads * - GBACW v5

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Jena Auerstadt - Napoleon at War Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Jerusalem * - Modern Battles II Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for John Carter, Warlord of Mars

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Book Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Cards Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map - PDF Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map - JPG Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Julius Caesar (TSR SPI)*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for The Kaiser's Battle *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Kampfpanzer *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Kasserine - North Africa Quad*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Kharkov *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Kiev - Army Group South Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Korea

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Korsun - Army Group South Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Kursk (Original SPI Edition)

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Kursk (Eric Goldberg Edition)

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Setup Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters (Front) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters (Back) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Belle Alliance (See Nap Last Battles)

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

LBA Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

LBA Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for La Grande Armee  SPI

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Reformatted Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for La
Grande Armee (TSR SPI) *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Lee Moves North (Originally Lee at Gettysburg) *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Legion
Exclusive Rules and Scenarios

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

General Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Quick Ref Rules Chart Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Force A Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Force B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Leipzig - TSG

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Leipzig

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules Reformatted Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Le
ningrad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Leyte - Island War Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Lille - Art of Siege Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Lost Battles *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map WW pdf Right click here, and 'Save Target As'

Map WW jpg Right click here, and 'Save Target As'

Variant Counters BT  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Lutzen - Thirty Years War Quad  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Marengo - Napoleon at War Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Marne, The

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for MechWar 2 *

Red Star White Star 2 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Suez to Golan Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for MechWar '77 *

Brown Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Desert Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Minuteman *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Modern Battles Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts for Modern Battles II Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Moscow Campaign, The

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Reinforcement Tracks Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Mukden * - Modern Battles Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Musket & Pike

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map (jpg) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map (pdf) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for NATO  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for NATO Division Commander  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Controller Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Napoleon at War Quad*

All Games Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Napoleon at Waterloo *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Exp Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Napoleon at Waterloo (1979 version) *

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Full Booklet Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Napoleon's Art of War  - all*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Napoleon's Last Battles Quad

Std Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Campaign Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Complete Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

LBA Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

LBA Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Next War, The  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map 150mp Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Ney vs. Wellington *

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Terrain Chart Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Nightmare House *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Nordlingen - Thirty Years War Quad  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Normandy

SPI US Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

SPI UK Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

SPI UK Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for North Africa Quad - all *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Objective Moscow *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
October War *

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Oil War *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Okinawa - Island War Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Omega War, The

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Operation Grenade - Victory in the West v2 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Operation Olympic *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Rules for Operation Star - Army Group South Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Operation Typhoon *

Rules  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Outreach *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts for Outreach Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Panzer '44 *

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters USA Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters German Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

EF Expansion Counters Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Panzer Armee Afrika *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Panzer Battles*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Panzergruppe Guderian *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Paratroop *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Patrol

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Patton's 3rd Army - Victory in the West v1 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Pea Ridge GBACW v1 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Scenario Card Right click and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Phalanx *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Added Scenarios for Phalanx - Right Click and 'Save Target As'

Rules for Pleasant Hill: The Red River Campaign GBACW 9? *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Plot to Assassinate Hitler *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for PRESTAGS Standard Rules

General Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Quick Ref Rules Chart Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

PRESTAGS Counter Manifest - Right Click and 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Punic Wars *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'



Rules for Ragnarok *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) *

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Rebel Sabers

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for
Red Star White Star  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  (Improved 150 copy)

Rules for
Red Sun Rising *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Remagen - WestWall Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Renaissance of Infantry *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Rescue from the Hive *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Solitaire Rules choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Return of the Stainless Steel Rat!

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Revolt in the East *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Rifle & Saber

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts and Notes Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Road to Richmond * - Blue & Gray Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Robert at Bannockburn * - Great Medieval Battles Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Rocroi - Thirty Years War Quad  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Rostov - Army Group South Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Russian Civil War

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Saipan - Island War

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right Click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Sauron *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Scrimmage *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Search & Destroy *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Seelowe

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

SIMPUBS Map 150 mp Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Serbia / Galicia * - Great Battles in the East Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Sevastopol - Art of Siege Quad*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Shiloh * - Blue & Gray Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Sicily -Victory in the West v3  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Sinai *

Rules (12x12) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Sixth Fleet *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Rules for Sniper - SPI Version*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Sniper - TSR Version

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Hetzer Sniper!

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for SniperBugHunt - TSR Version

TSR Standard Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

BH Cover Tables Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

BH  Special Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

BH Scenarios Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

BH Cards Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

BH Ship Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

BH Base Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

BH Units Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

BH Vehicles Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Soldiers

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for S
outh Africa *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Solomons Campaign *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Sorcerer *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Spartan Exclusive Rules and Scenarios

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

General Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Quick Ref Rules Chart Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
SPI Baseball

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
SPI Football

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for

Short Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Long Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Complete DL Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Dashboards Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules (notes) for Stalingrad 3 - Test Series Game

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for StarForce *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for StarGate *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for StarSoldier *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for StarTrader *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Stonewall - Battle of Kernstown -GBACW 0 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Strategy 1 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules (quality updated)

Rules for Strike Force One *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Supercharge - North Africa Quad*

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Sword and the Stars *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Swords and the Sorcery *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for T-34 20 mm *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Tamburlaine the Great * - Great Medieval Battles

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Tank! / Expanded Tank! *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Tank Units Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Tank Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Expanded Tank! Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Expanded Tank! Units Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Tannenberg - Test Series Game

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Tannenberg (S&T 2nd Edition) *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for TaskForce *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Tchernaya River - Crimean War Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Terrible Swift Sword 1st Edition, including Errata

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Terrible Swift Sword 2nd Edition

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Maps (combined) Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters 
at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Thirty Years War Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for TimeTripper

Rules Charts Scenarios Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Titan Strike! *

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Hobby Japan Rules! Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Pt1 - JPG Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Pt2 - JPG Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

HJMap Pt1 - JPG Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

HJMap Pt2 - JPG Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

HJMap Pt3 - JPG Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Tito  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for To the Green Fields Beyond  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Tower of Azann *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Turning Point: Battle of Stalingrad - aka Battle of Stalingrad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Take 2 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

CRT and Scenarios Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Twilight War

Rules and Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Tyre - Art of Siege Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Universe  *

Box Art Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Insert Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e1 AG Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e1 GM Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e1 Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e1 Errata Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Delta Vee Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Enhanced DeltaVee Right click and 'Save Target As'

e2 RB Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e2 CS Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e2 NPC Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e2 PC Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e2 NPC Card Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e2 NPC Record Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

e2 Log Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for U
p Against the Wall MotherF*****!

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for U
p Scope!

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for USN *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Vector 3 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Veracruz *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Viking
 Exclusive Rules and Scenarios

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

General Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Quick Ref Rules Chart Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for on Von Hindenburg in Poland * - Great War in the East Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Booklet  Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Voyage of the BSM Pandora *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Rules for Wacht Am Rhein  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Wagram - Napoleon at War Quad *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for War
Between the States

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map A Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map C Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 1 F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 1 B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 2 F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 2 B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 3 F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 3 B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 4 F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 4 B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts / Errata Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Errata Moves Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Suggested Changes Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Complete DL Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for War in  the East - 1st Edition

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for War in  the East 2nd Ed - Exclusive Rules

Std Rules 1- 18 Standard War in Europe Rules  (Right Click)

East 44 -66 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map G Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map H Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters G F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters G B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters S F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters S B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Maps and Counter Scans thanks to John Edwards

Rules for War in Europe

Std Rules 1- 18 Standard War in Europe Rules  (Right Click)

West 19-43 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

East 44 -66 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Exclusive 67 - 77  War In Europe Exclusive Rules (Right Click)

Errata for War in Europe (Right Click)

Charts Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters A F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters A B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters G F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters G B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters S F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters S B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Maps ALL Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map A Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map C Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map D Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map E Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map G Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map H Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map J Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Maps and Counter Scans thanks to John Edwards

Rules for War in the Ice  *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for War in
the Pacific

War in the Pacific Rules  (Right Click)

War In the Pacific Scenarios (Right Click)

Errata for War in the Pacific (Right Click)

War in Pacific Charts and Tables (Right Click)

War in the Pacific Rules  Amplified (Right Click) color, errata embedded

War In the Pacific Scenarios Amplified  (Right Click) color, errata embedded

These last two are thanks to Bill Thomson of Wargame Academy

Rules for War in  the West - Exclusive Rules

Std Rules 1- 18 Standard War in Europe Rules  (Right Click)

West 19-43 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters A F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters A B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters G F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters G B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Maps ALL Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map A Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map B Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map C Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map D Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map E Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map F Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map G Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map H Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map J Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Maps and Counter Scans thanks to John Edwards

Rules for
War of the Ring

Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Charts Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Cards1 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Cards 2 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Cards 3 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 1 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters 2 Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map 600 mp Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Wellington's Victory

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

WV Charts Right click and choose 'Save Target As'

WV Maps Right click and choose 'Save Target As'

WV Counters Right click and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for WestWall Quad - all *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Exclusive Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Maps Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
Wilderness Campaign, The *

Rules, Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

WC Charts, Map Right click and choose 'Save Target As'

Expanded Seq of Play Right click and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Wilson's Creek - GBACW v3 *

Right click here and choose 'Save Target As'

Historical Scenario Right click and choose 'Save Target As'

ALSO Lots of ADDED features for GBACW, including updated counters  at the FREE Downloads page for GBACW! Click Here!

Rules for Winter War *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
WolfPack *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
World War 1 *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
World War II

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for World War II - ETO

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for
World War 3

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

WW3 Charts here: Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for WorldKiller *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Wreck of the BSM Pandora *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Wurzburg * - Modern Battles Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'



Rules for Year of the Rat *

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Yeoman
Exclusive Rules and Scenarios

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

General Rules Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Quick Ref Rules Chart Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

BW Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Counters Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'  

Map Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Rules for Yugoslavia * - Modern Battles II Quad

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'


Non-SPI rule set:

Speed Circuit Campaign Rules
AH - Rules that were included in the first (or second?) Avalon Hill Speed Circuit expansion tracks.

Right click here, and choose 'Save Target As'

Return to the main page